The best commercial concrete replacement company in Blue Springs is Beacon Contracting. From small jobs like replacing curbs, sidewalks and slabs to large commercial pours, we can handle it all. No job is too large or small. With the freeze and thaw cycles in Blue Springs, concrete can deteriorate to the point that fixing it won’t do and replacement is required. We offer many services in commercial concrete installation including broom-finished and exposed aggregate concrete for apartment complexes, shopping malls, condos and townhomes. We can even complete apartment rehabilitation and handicapped accessibility conversions. Of course, we do sidewalks, concrete curbs, walkways, patios pools entryways ramps steps and the like. We can even color and stamp concrete for a much more appealing appearance.
Concrete Replacement Services in Blue Springs
From curbs, sidewalks and slabs to large commercial concrete pours, Beacon Contracting can do it all. Sometimes concrete is beyond the point of repair. That’s when concrete replacement is necessary. Or many times, new concrete needs to be installed. There are many services that we offer in commercial concrete installation. We install broom-finished and exposed aggregate concrete for shopping centers, apartments, condominiums and townhomes. Beacon Contracting can also complete your apartment rehabilitation, handicapped accessibility conversion and other projects including sidewalks, concrete curbing, concrete walkways, concrete patios, concrete pools, concrete entryways, concrete ramps, concrete steps…and so on.
Experienced Contractors
At Beacon Contracting, we have the experience to do the job right. Commercial concrete replacement and installation requires knowing the rules and regulations to make sure your job passes inspection. We work on condos, hotels, schools, shopping malls, hospitals, office buildings, parking garages, warehouses, banks and more. These buildings are all designed by someone else and we have to follow strict design requirements. For instance, the commercial property owner has to keep in mind that there are design requirements spelled out in the floor installation contracts. We have the experience to do it right. If it’s commercial concrete, we want your business and look forward to hearing from you! Call Beacon Contracting today at (816) 524-4230.